
The Attorney Advisor Alliance®

Unify the estate and financial planning process by leveraging a nationwide alliance with The National Network of Estate Planning Attorneys and our organization. This unique program will turbo-charge your referrals, increase credibility and bridge the critical gap between two essential planning areas while splitting the marketing costs between like-minded professionals. Open the content by clicking

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Seminar Content and Training

Seminars can be a highly successful form of marketing. Learn how to execute such events as well asaccess our seminar content resources. Course immediately available (BP and RMM Division) Open the content by clicking on content link below ‘Course Content’. To access to this course contact your C2P Support Team, login or use request access.

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Advanced Seminar Training

This course expands on the “Seminar Success Strategies” course by showcasing advanced techniques and practices by seminar gurus such as Dr. Kerry Johnson and Frank Maselli to help you host even more successful events. Course immediately available (RMM Division). Open the content by clicking on content link below ‘Course Content’. To access to this course

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Tix Marketing

Tix Marketing is a successful marketing program designed to drive prospect to your events and  teach you how to increase your seminar attendance and conversion rate. It includes topics such as: Creating a Raffle Ticketing Program, Seminar Management, and Appointment Processing. Open the content by clicking on content link below ‘Course Content’. To access to

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NPS Survey Referral Process

Client satisfaction and relatedly, referrals, are crucial parts of an advisor’s business. Utilize this comprehensive system to use the NPS survey to measure client satisfaction and generate referrals for your practice. Open the content by clicking on content link below ‘Course Content’. To access to this course contact your C2P Support Team, login or use

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