Practice Management

Building Position Contracts

The need for a team to have structure, accountability, organization, and empowerment is critical. Information learned and resources provided in this module will provide your entire team with a complete understanding and documentation of all functions, roles, and responsibilities necessary to effectively and efficiently run the business. Open the content by clicking on content link

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Advisor Compensation

Get all you need to understand how to compensate Financial Advisors you hire in this Financial Advisor Compensation training. Open the content by clicking on content link below ‘Course Content’. To access to this course contact your C2P Support Team, login or use request access.

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Advisor Career Path

Clarity and inspiration for the adoption of an advisor career path and related self-sustaining business is provided. As a result of taking this course, you will understand the benefits of career pathing for your business and describe how the ensemble practice leverages the talent on your team as well as developfinancial advisors in the backstage,

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Right Fit Advisor®

The Right Fit Advisor® course provides a deep dive into the process of hiring, onboarding and training the right associate advisor(s) for your practice. Topics covered include: how to post create and post job ads, how to identify the right type of advisor for your firm, onboarding and training best practices. A wealth of supporting

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Your Personal Best Practice

Explore concepts with top advisor, Mary Sterk’s marketing processes and how you can implement many of the programs to help you and your practice be Your Personal Best! Open the content by clicking on content link below ‘Course Content’. To access to this course contact your C2P Support Team, login or use request access.

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The Hiring Advantage

Open the content by clicking on content link below ‘Course Content’ or the link on the right. To access to this course contact your C2P Support Team, login or use request access. In this eLearning course, you will learn: Step 1: Strategic Hiring Preparation In Step 1, we guide you through the essential process of defining

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The Teamwork Movement

The Teamwork Movement Practice Management Program assembles critical information entrepreneurs need to successfully build and maintain a thriving firm. Designed to help you hire the right people, set expectations for each team member and position, onboard, train, and retain top talent with a clear path for professional growth and a robust compensation philosophy, The Teamwork

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The Cash Flow Analyzer

The Cash Flow Analyzer process and its exclusive tools will help you better understand the present financial state of your business and determine where you want your business to go. Through goal setting and financial modeling, you can begin to decrease expenses and increase revenue to grow your business at a manageable and sustainable pace.

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